September 02, 2006


by helron designs school again kit
well thought i would try something new and do a quick page this time. let me know how you like it. will have one for a boy in a day or two. it has taken me a while to get this one up and ready, with the kids, school and bible study i'm finding it a little hard to balance. but give me two days and i'll have a full preview of the kit and a boys qp on here. a link back here would be awesome so i can comment on the lo. every body loves comments. have fun with my quick page, enjoy and can't wait to see the layouts.


jburkhart said...

You've been busy....the quick page looks awesome and can't wait to play around with it....maybe even today! Thank you Helen!

Alice said...

Nice work on the QP and thanks for sharing!

Danielle said...

Thanks for sharing...